Block specific websites for only a few computers on network

I need to have a way to block specific websites for only a handful of computers in our company. I have gone round and round with this. Initially I thought I could just do it with the Hosts file on each PC, but that's not working, I wonder if DoH is messing with it.
We have a SOHO router.
Category: Firewall Management and Analytics
You can follow the below KB;
NOTE:You may block specific source IP addresses by specifying an appropriate host, network, range or group address object instead of "ANY".
NOTE: For the Destination, You can choose the website (you would have to create the appropriate address object for the website before creating the Rule) which you need to block.
I finally figured it out with the following video. I was able to block specific computers by using their MAC address and adding them to an Address Object Group.
Blocking YouTube with a SonicWALL Firewall - YouTube