Auto-added VPN Access Rules preventing the deletion of zones

I have a TZ400 with OS Enhanced v6.5.4.10. I created a few Zones that I now want to remove them because they are no longer needed. I deleted all custom access rules, nat, and address objects that would normally prevent me from deleting the zone. However, there are still many auto-added rules to/from the VPN zone with the comment "Auto added for VPN enabled management via this SA". I don't have any management options selected for the zone or the VPN policies. In my Access Rules there are rules for both IPv4 & IPv6 for each management option plus SonicpointN management for every zone. I know I could set the option to manually delete these auto-added rules, but they shouldn't have been created in the first place. Or, they should go away automatically by disabling the management options. Any thoughts on how to remove these rules?
There must have been some custom rules that were pending deletion. After restarting the device I was able to delete the zones.
As far as the VPN management rules, this is an existing Known Issue GEN6-2567, where "VPN management access rules still exist when 'Disable auto-added VPN management rules' is enabled. Looks like it has been a known issue since v6.5.4.8 and still exists in v6.5.4.11.