Mail security stops working

Hi all,
thanks for reading!
We are using two Sonicwall Mail security remote analyzers managed by a control center. We lost internet connection for about two weeks and are back online now. Both remote analyzers processed about 250 mails each and stopped working then. If we either restart the services or the appliance another 250 mails are transferred. I did not find anything in the logs exept of:
Summary="too-many-inbound-connections" Description="" RecommendedAction="restart-service-recommendation"
We already disabled DDos protection and throttling for testing and also increased the number of concurrent connections to 2000 but the issue still persits.
Firmware version is 10.
Any suggestions?
Please contact support and open a case to get this addressed if it is still occurring.
David Wilbur
Technical Support Senior Advisor, Premier Services , SME Email Security
This seems to be something stuck on the Email Security something that is using all the memory for that you will need to call in and open a case so it can be troubleshoot.
Thank you