Configure SonicWall to allow ICMP traffic
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shiprasahu93 Moderator
Hello @Lucas,
You can perform a packet capture on the SonicWall to see why the ping packets are being dropped. Sometimes, Intrusion prevention blocks it if low priority attacks are also enabled for prevention.
You can have low priority attacks under IPS in only detection mode and then test.
Thanks!Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
By default ping from LAN to WAN is allowed on Sonicwall. If the server you are trying to ping does not accept ICMP or ping requests it will not work for you. For this, is the traffic coming to the Sonicwall or getting out of the Sonicwall to an external server?
Hi Dbeato
Thanks for your reply, the server is external eg. I have no problem reaching the yahoo website or other websites. The problem is that the ICMP traffic is dropped at the sonicwall firewall and thus not able to ping external IP like,, ...etc. I have checked thru the firewall policy and cannot find any problem that the ICMP traffic has no reply echo.
Thank you so much for your advise, after clear the low priority check I'm now able to ping and trancert at the PC.
Glad we could help. Have a good one!
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
ave same issue and have do exactly as instructed above but cannot ping outside public ip address such as Kindly assist