TZ400 with LB dual WAN - forward services for Unifi Talk

With a TZ400, I have two ISPs in a load balanced configuration - one is CGNAT and I cannot do anything firewall or NAT-related to allow VoIP services to go to an internal IP.
My second ISP has a static IP.
Unifi Talk uses TCP/UDP 6767 as a static signaling port. What I need to do is create static routes, NAT/port forwarding rules, and a WAN/LAN rule to make sure these services go to and from into the appliance that is running the VoIP system exclusively from the second ISP (X1).
The internal DHCP IP address for the appliance is static.
Best Answer
sfinate Newbie ✭
I've resolved this - I was missing a NAT rule for all firewalled subnets X1/X1 for the corresponding service group to ANY/ANY.
The static route is from the internal IP / defaults / X1 as the interface.
The firewall rule for the services is from WAN/LAN with X1 IP as the destination.