Does RDP work with a 7th genration firewall like TZ570?

I replaced TZ300 firewall with a TZ570. When the TZ300 was operational remote staff and vendors were able to connect to the internal network. Once, I swap out the TZ300 to TZ570. The VPN's were still operational but any attempted to use RDP failed.
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
What method did you use to transfer your existing TZ300 settings to the new TZ570 firewall?
I used the Sonic Wall Migration tool on the my sonic wall portal.
In situations like this, where something didn't make the transition between an old device and a new one, my approach is to take a TSR from each device and use Beyond Compare ( to review the differences. It is time-consuming, because there are thousands of non-matches. But the exercise provides some assurance that everything is the way you want it. If that review doesn't turn up anything that jumps right out, the next step would be to contact Support.
Check out the latest firmware, it has fixes for RDP issues over SSLVPN.
When I replace a Sonicwall and migrate/recreate the configuration on a new device, I allways export the current configuration with SSH as a readable configuration. If after the migration some issue come up I can simply export the configuration of the new device as well and Text Compare with Tools lice VSCode or Notepad++ and see the differences.
You need a FTP Server where you can store the exported configuration
The command is:
export current-config cli ftp ftp://YOURFTPUSER:YOURFTPPASSWORD@YOURFTPSERVER/configuration.txt