Configure 2 syslog servers

I'm trying to configure a second extra syslog server, we already had one configured and running correctly.
When I configure the new syslog, I don't see packet traffic in packet monitor, what are the steps to have 2 syslog?
New syslog port 513
Category: Firewall Management and Analytics
The second server syslog server port should be 514.
@gussr16 I checked on my NSa running and added a second syslog server and both servers got the syslog packets.
If you can't see the traffic in the Packet-Monitor, you did not have the "Exclude Syslog Traffic to:" checked by accident? IMHO it's the default.
Did you checked with tcpdump on your Wazuh if any syslog packets arrive from your SNWL?
@Ajishlal Port 513 is probably correct, if configured that way, like mentioned in the Wazuh docs.
I heard that sonicwall only accept 514 UDP port for the syslog service.
@Ajishlal this must be in another context, using Port 513 for Syslog on the NSa works fine.
Hello, configure again on port 514
But I don't see any packet traffic either.
@gussr16 I checked and can see the Syslog packets. Do you have by any chance set a Display Filter or did not clicked all Checks on the Display Filter page?
I guess you're on as well?
Yes , If it's correct I'm on SonicOS Enhanced
I have configured to see all the filters, it strikes me that it does not show any traffic.
@gussr16 then I need to throw the Towel, I tried different IP addresses to send the syslog data to, to make sure it's not Zone or Interface related, but I always saw the packets in the Monitor.
If you made sure that on the "Settings" Tab of the Packet Monitor Syslog is not excluded I cannot think of anything else at the moment.
I did the test with many IPs and the same if I have traffic, but not with a specific IP, I tried to create a new object, but I have no result. Something to have in mind?
@gussr16 the one and only thing, as mentioned before, is this one, but I guess you checked this already.
Maybe you need to open a Ticket for that.