syslog Analytics: Up/Down Status wrognly report data

Hello Community,
I've noticed the Timeline report for the Up/Down Status of a firewall depict a reverse behavior:
infact it informs me only about the downtime but as if it would be the firewall uptime instead.
From that report, it seems my device is constantly down rather that is always up&running.
Have you also found such stange behaviour?
Category: Firewall Management and Analytics
I think, log server and firewall connection not stable. could you check network topology between 2 devices.
Syslog Analytics (251) in on the LAN side of the fw at one hope only (the LAN switch). Communication between them has non error:
has the switch flood portection or something like on the ports? because of sonicwall creates a lots of log and send to syslog server.
is there any security settings on the switch.
No flood protection nor strom control on the switch port where the VM with syslog analytics is connected. Logs flow constantly as per the Log Analyzer tool (initiator and responder IPs obscured):