2Fa for VPN remote access users

in VPN Client
I’m trying to setup 2FA for my VPN users, Can this be done using the WANgroup VPN (IKE)?
I have it configured for the SSLVPN and it works, but I don’t see how to setup unique bookmarks for each user. This was a tab on the local user setup on my prior NSA device.
I no longer have the Bookmarks tab when setting up a user. My current TZ570 SonicOS 7.0.1-5030-R2007
I need my remote users to have the TOTP enabled using the Microsoft Authenticator and prefer using the Global VPN if possible
Category: VPN Client
From: https://www.sonicwall.com/support/knowledge-base/configuring-one-time-passwords/170505594681886/
CAUTION: OTP cannot be configured for Global VPN Client (GVC) users. Instead, GVC users can use RSA token for two-factor authentication. Please refer to Two Factor Authentication Using RSA Radius And SecurID For SonicWall GVC And NetExtender Clients
Is there a simpler guide on how to actually implement the document you are linking to?
Do you have to purchase this RSA Radius Server? Can you install it as a VM? that sort of stuff ...
Did you ever get this figured out? This is EXACTLY what I'm trying to set up on my TZ370, and having no luck with it so far. I've only been able to set up Two Factor to access the admin portal, which is not helpful at all when I'm trying to enforce two-factor to connect to vpn via Global VPN. I do not want to set up RSA Tokens for this