SMA400 upgrade from firmware to

try to RDP
wants to install new SMA connect agent
get error that "newer version already installed"
rolled back to
any one else having this problem?
Category: Secure Mobile Access Appliances
We have the same thing on the windows client. The apple client had no issue.
If you manually uninstall and install the new client the issue goes away.
Oddly the old a new versions have the same version info in windows but the SMA must be seeing a different version number somewhere...
Another issue is if you chose to download from the downloads pulldown tab everything is grayed out.
I opened a support Case# 43885569 they have issued me a private build patch but reluctant to install untill a general release. I got burned by doing this is the past.
so If you are having the same issue PLEASE open a support ticket.
@Charlie_L235, before you apply the patch, have you got a Sonicwall UTM in front of the SMA appliance ?
if so check the outgoing NAT policy for the SMA if it is the same as the Default outgoing NAT policy (i,e the same X1 IP or what ever your WAN Interface is), then disable the SMA one and then check the downloads page again on the SMA, I've seen this cause the same issue as you are having since 10.2 firmware, technically if you are using the same outgoing Interface IP as the Default NAT rule you don't need the SMA one, it is only created using the Public server wizard and unnecessary.
the rule you would be looking for would be like the below
Original Source - SMA Appliance, Translated Source - X1 IP, Original Service- ANY, Translated Service - Original.
Thank you for the suggestion.
everything look ok on the UTM.
If I rollback the SMA firmware to all works as expected.