What the @#$%?

SonicWALL Support Case 43845653
noreply@salesforce.com; on behalf of; Brian <support@sonicwall.com>
Thank you for contacting SonicWall Support.
This type of issue is best suited for a phone call as it will require live troubleshooting. As this is a web ticket, we would suggest that you give our support line a call at 888-793-2830 to talk to a live technician who can assist you with this issue.
This web ticket will be placed into a Pending Closed state, allowing you to place the call within 5 business days.
Thank you,
SonicWall Support
There is a problem with adding Address Objects in a Template in NSM.
I documented each step and the error involved. I provided a video attachment of the reported problem - and they want to have "live troubleshooting"?!?
I don't know how to respond to this on so MANY levels, but this is DISGRACEFUL!
This has been happening a lot to my tickets as well.. No one actually addresses the issue and wants you to call in. Then they want to open A NEW case, and they NEVER get it right.
We are continuously employing new engineers, and we know they do their best.
We will look into this.