Possible to determine what NSM pushed to firewalls

I am trying to determine if there is a way to distinguish what NSM pushed to my firewall (when signed into the firewall locally).
Also, is it possible to re-push what is configured on a template for something that was deleted locally on the firewall? For example, I deleted an address object that was pushed via NSM. Can I re-push it to my firewall? If so, I don't see how.
Category: Firewall Management and Analytics
@ryanf - Good question, and I don't know the answer.
Go into your device, click Manage, then select Appliance under System Settings, then Base Settings, and scroll down to the Enhanced Audit Logging Support section. Make sure you check "Enable Enhanced Audit Logging".
To view the results, scroll down the left menu to Logs & Reporting and expand Log Settings, then select Auditing Records.
This list contains the changes. Your device login ID will appear under the User column. I believe, but I'm not 100% certain, "admin" will appear for NSM-related changes.
Hope that helps!