Sonicwave Newbie Question - SW 224w and TZ350W

I have a SW 224w i want to add to an existing network setup that is already utilizing the TZ350w onboard wireless. I have been told it's possible that the TZ's wifi radio might disable if i add an AP to it. I cannot find any confirmation on this in my research. Has anyone had this particular setup that can share some advice?
Best Answer
Saravanan Moderator
Gotcha. Yes, we can run both the wireless modules SonicWave and TZ 350W on same SSID but SonicWave and TZ 350W cannot run on same IP network unless you try some layer 2 bridging or Native bridging.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
Thank you for visiting SonicWall Community.
Are you trying to disable the TZ 350W's radio and then planning to utilize the SonicWave with same wireless network SSID's and IP address range?
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
No, i'd like to keep the TZ's radio on if possible and just add the 224w to a different area in order to provide service there.
Curious as to how to go about doing this...
We have one TZ370W and two SonicWave 231c APs...been struggling with this scenario (among other wireless oddities) the past 2 days.
How did you make out with the TZ370W and Sonicwave 231c? I'm trying to do the same thing with a TZ350W and a 231c. I want to broadcast the same SSIDs from both devices.
Hi @SmallBizMSP
First you would have to bridge the WLAN interface with either existing LAN or appropriate interface. then you can make the Firewall Wireless and the sonicwave 231C SSID in same SSID with same subnet.
For example I bridged the WLAN with exiting LAN X0.
I'm not a networking expert, but here is what I came up with for two 224Ws connected to my TZ400: Portshielding together the following LAN interfaces (X0, X2, X3,X4) for wired devices, and Portshielding together the X5/X6 interfaces for wireless devices. Then bridging LAN and WLAN together to have a single subnet (note subnet mask). I use DHCP to issue static IPs to 'known' devices (based on MAC), everything else is covered by a dynamic IP assignment in a different part of the wide subnet range. I then define address ranges for 'wired' and 'wireless' and 'known' and 'foreign' devices and set up firewall rules accordingly. This is an attempt to replicate a working arrangement with a couple of Netgear wireless routers configured as Access Points. The Netgear routers have been replaced with the Sonicwave 224Ws (one on X5, one on X6).
This isn't perfect though because I still can't yet get my 'known' wireless devices to connect to my computers on my network (SMB traffic). I have several Android devices that I use synchronization apps to sync up with certain folders on my servers. Any help or insight on this would be great. Still waiting to hear from SW tech support... :(