New category

in Water Cooler
I like a lot the Community.
I was wondering if you guys could open a new category for network designers.
For people who work with complex environments.
What do you think?
Thanks and have a nice weekend!
Category: Water Cooler
We already have a category called Developer Hub. Do you mean more like network topology and deployment questions?
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hi Shipra
Yes, that is exactly what I mean.
That's actually a pretty good idea. I like it!
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Thankyou @SEBASTIAN for the suggestion,
@Chris, Can you please look into this. Also moving this discussion to the appropriate category.
Knowledge Management Senior Analyst at SonicWall.
Thanks for submitting this idea/suggestion. I like it. Let me talk to the appropriate individuals and see if we can get this implemented. I will keep this thread updated with any updates.
I hope every one is fine.
Any news about my idea?