TZ 670 7.0.1-5018 Random Reboot

I installed SonicOS 7.0.1-5018 this morning around 5 hours ago. I just lost internet on my computer and looks like the 670 rebooted. Nothing in the log other than showing the interfaces are up or down that happens on restart
I also did not get a email dump of the logs.
My logs are to be saved to secondary storage, if they are, is there anywhere and anything to look for to see what caused this?
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
I tjust rebooted again. Garbage!!
Can I downgrade or reboot to the backup firmware from before upgrading?
I spent a couple hours on the phone with support. He did not see any issue in the TSR. We did a few manual reboots to test why I was not getting emails after a reboot that the interface was up or down. To fix under Log Settings, Network, Interfaces, items 565 & 566 Multi-Interface Link Up although it is set to Alert under Priority, under the alert column the slider was off by default and we had to slide it on. Without that, I did not get the email alert after reboot that the interface was up. Tech said this should not be needed. We then did a few restarts to test. We then decided to see if I get any more reboots.
This does not have anything to do with the random reboot, but figured I would share.
At the top my Logging Level is set to Warning and Alert Level is set to Alert.
Just had another random reboot.
Can anyone help with downgrading the firmware. Support sent me this article but then said it is best to factory default and import the EXP file I exported before firmware update which is option 3 opposed to using option 1 or 2.
However, this article has three methods and is for Gen 6
I did do a local backup before updating, but under the last firmware R1456 is shows the last config file is 8/3/21 and not today 8/6.
The Cloud Backup shows the last automatic backup of 8/6/21 at 3am. So I would like to use this one instead of the 8/3 but can live with the 8/3 one if better.
This method 2 says the below. Do I just Cleck on boot with this config file under the R1456 Firwmare
This will restart the firewall and boot with the selected Backup firmware and Backup Configuration.
Still on 5018. Well no reboots over night. Two things.
So it has been up with no reboot for 13.5 hours. I am not sure of these helped or just it did not reboot.
Well, that did not last. It just rebooted. I was logged into GUI. I will see if staying out of GUI changes anything.
And another reboot and under log automation it deleted the email in Send Log Email Address and Send Alerts Email Address.
This email deletion happened on previous firmware too so this is not new.
I realize when I get no email alerts. I have to go in and add again.
Another reboot at 7:57am I was not logged into the GUI
Well, I am going to do Method 3 and use my Exported EXP file. Does anyone know if on a boot with factory settings, and then import of EXP does it maintain the password or do I need to resent that?
I just downgraded to the 7.0.1-R1456 using Method 3 and will monitor.
I followed the directions, but did not have the DNS manually set when I changed my computer internet settings to 168.168.168.X to find the X0 at So I could not re-register it. Instead, I imported the settings, switch my computer IP back to DHCP. Then logged into the interface and registered with my SonicWALL. I also had to reset the password since that defaulted back to default even with importing the EXP. I guess that is expected.
This reboot only started with the latest firmware. On thing on both this R1456 and the 5018, sometimes it wipes the email address I have set in automation to send logs and alerts. I realize this when I am not getting emails and I have to enter it again.
In R1456 I do have an open case where the log dumps frequently. I do have the logs set to save to the 32GB secondary storage.
After importing the EXP, I also had to change under Storage / Logs to save to secondary storage. That did not go back to the way it was on the EXP import and the Factory reset wiped the Audit and Log data that was on the secondary storage.
Not sure what else did not go back to the way I had it.
Edit: After enabling secondary storage again, I can now see older Event Logs on the secondary storage, but no Audit Logs.
Installed the 7.0.1-5018
TZ570 & TZ270 24 hours no random reboot.
With the previous version 7.0.1-R1456 and a config loaded from my gen 6 TZ600 (config load with the Migration Tool and with out) i also had random reboots, and sometimes slow interface.
Did a clean install (new config) and had no problems.
@Rinconmike Did you also import a config form a gen 6 ?
I did a clean install with the TZ 670 when I got it and set it up end of May. I did not import from a previous device.
I have since updated the firmware from the initial R416 to R1262 to R1456.
Then I went from R1456 to 5018-R1709 and then downgraded back to R1456 via method 3 of restore factory default and import the exported EXP from R1456 before upgrade to 5018.
I hope the solution is not to rebuild again.
Well, the TX 670 has not rebooted in the last 24 hours since downgrading back to R1456.
So is the consensus that '5018' is not stable? I at least appreciate some of the fixes that have been ailing me for almost a year
im looking at you "GEN7-25830 The Use Address Object drop-down menu does not display the Address Object created by the user in the GATEWAY AV EXCLUSION LIST."
Sonicwall - Is there a known issue on why this is crashing?
Hey @shiprasahu93 @Saravanan and @Nevyaditha is this issue on your radar at all?
Kind Regards,
@micah - SonicWall's Self-Service Sr. Manager
I still haven't got any sudden reboots on my TZ270 and tz570.
@Sliderhome thanks for the note.
Do you have a secondary storage module and that enabled for the logs.
If not, that may be why you are not getting reboots. I asked SonicWall support on my case to confirm on a lab machine. They have not yet. If I get a chance, I will retry 5018 without the secondary storage enabled. On my TZ670 I have a 32GB secondary storage module.
I have no secondary storage installed.
Hi @Rinconmike, got this back from support if this helps, regarding the Secondary Storage logging Issue
"The issue is mentioned to be resolved on the latest firmware (7.0.1-3) which to be released by this month end"
@Rinconmike have upgraded a nsa2700 and tz370 to 5018 on monday. No issues seen til today
@ThK did you see random boots today? Do you have secondary storage enabled?
@Rinconmike no reboots but also no secondary storage
Update about ten device (tz270/370/570) to latest firmware 7.0.5018 not problem encountred at the moment.
Yes, I think the issue is related to secondary storage.
Just tested a clean 3700 to enable log to secondary storage. It immediately reboot.
paramUpdateStorageUse(): Starting asyncExtProcInit()
corrupted double-linked list (not small)
Got signal: Aborted (6) at 08/18 19:34:29.352
From code address: 0xffff910d9090
VAddr of _start: 0xaaaac974683c
Firmware Version: SonicOS 7.0.1-5018-R1709
X0: 0x0000000000000000 X1: 0x0000ffff8f72fae0
X2: 0x0000000000000000 X3: 0x0000000000000008
X4: 0x0000000000000000 X5: 0x0000ffff8f72fae0
X6: 0xffffffffffffffff X7: 0xffffffffffffffff
X8: 0x0000000000000087 X9: 0xffffffffffffffff
X10: 0xffffffffffffffff X11: 0xffffffffffffffff
X12: 0xffffffffffffffff X13: 0xffffffffffffffff
X14: 0x0000000000000000 X15: 0x0000000000000001
X16: 0x000000000000270f X17: 0x0000000000000007
X18: 0x00000000000002ff X19: 0x0000000000000006
X20: 0x0000ffff8f732080 X21: 0x0000ffff8c001000
X22: 0x0000ffff8f72fd40 X23: 0x0000000000000002
X24: 0x0000000000000001 X25: 0x0000ffff911c6bf0
X26: 0x0000000000000010 X27: 0x0000000000000031
X28: 0x0000000000000000 X29 (FP): 0x0000ffff8f72fac0
X30 (LR): 0x0000ffff910d9020
PC: 0x0000ffff910d9090
SP: 0x0000ffff8f72fac0
PSTATE: 0x0000000000000000
Fault addr: 0x0000000000000000
i can confirm that it has 100% to due with the secondary storage enabled, first time i saw this issue was back in december 2020
i started to experiment with it, and after turning secondary storage off there's no sign of reboots,
basically what happens is that the RAM gradually builds up untill 98 or 99% and then the unit reboots,
note watch the RAM , its a memory leak, i would advise to turn this setting of and keep monitoring cpu / ram usage and wait for sonicwall to come up with a fix, i think as for now they don't find it a high enough priority to log a JIRA case for it. mentioned it to them back in 2020 and regardless have never fixed the issue.
Hi @Rinconmike Can you upgrade to 7.0.1-5023 and check this again? We have fixes added for some crashes in 5023(latest release)
i've got some additional information,
i can almost confirm that converting Gen6 sonicwall configuration to Gen7 using the converter is definitely something you don't want to do. it causes weird behavior in the gen7 ALL TZ devices , one of them is also Memory Issues