Sonicwall Virtual Office Post connection script

in VPN Client
I found this example on the web but what would it look like to run a batch file for windows to map drives. Users do not get the mapped drives they have when connecting via netextender like they do in the office.
Category: VPN Client
Hi @kacermom They may need to include a delay in the script. We have found the script can complete before the network routes or path are fully available.
@Simon well some of my problem is I have no clue how to do a command argument for a dos batch file.
@kacermom I'd suggest google it. There will be resources in the internet to assist you with that. We don't have the expertise to assist with batch or power shell scripts in Sonicwall support.
Hi @kacermom,
Have you checked below KB article by any chance?
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services