Global VPN Client Kills Internet

in VPN Client
Facing an issue with Global VPN Client. When connected, system-wide internet access gets cutoff.
I am not sure what to do here.
Please help!
Category: VPN Client
Your GVPN configuration is incorrect. Without more information about your config from you, that is all we can say...
I am a newbie in this. How can I access the information needed to troubleshoot this?
Are you the administrator of the firewall? At least provide us an idea of what subnets are in use behind the firewall, and what is tunneled over GVPN client.
If you are not an administrator you need to report your issue to whoever is.
No I am not the administrator. Thank you. I'll report it.
It sounds like a situation where the GVPN connection is being given an IP which conflicts with the default gateway.
Could you please let me know the version of your GVC on the client machine?
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
I believe that might be the case.
the GVC Version is
The issue is with the GVC client version. I have seen similar issues in the past with the GVC version 4.10.x slowing down the network bandwidth. This is addressed with GVC version 5.0.
You can get GVC 5.0 by approaching our support team. Please find below web-link to reach support contact.
Hope this helps.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
Thank you! I will contact the support team and update!
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
Hi @Utsav_Tripathi
The above subjected issue due to the Windows 10 and the wireless adapter.The solution is to disable Receive Segment Coalescing on the wireless adapter. Microsoft actually provides an automated fix as a download.
Details can be found at the following Microsoft Answers link: