I have SMA 1000 series appliance. ConectTunnel msi dowlnoads not available

I only see x86 exe and ARM. There are no msi packages . Has anyone experienced this?
Best Answers
Simon Moderator
The MSI installers show this way in 12.4.1 and not in earlier firmware.
In a CMD window, you can extract the MSI from the legacy EXE installer:
ConnectTunnel_Legacy_xx_en-12.40.494.exe -expand=<path>
You can also use the Modern Connect Tunnel EXE (MCT aka Connect Tunnel for Device Guard or DGCT) to do automated installs following the KB:
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Simon Moderator
@JimAllenSW Yes, unfortunately that is something of a 'feature' that I do not have a fix for. That first login does have the user and password fields greyed out. It happens because aspects of the registry entries are being setup that first pass.
Did you install hotfixs?
I do see mine listed.
Not yet, but thanks for that info!
Thanks Simon!
Its helpful for us to use the legacy for now because it seems to be able to co-exist with the old Sonicwall GVC client which are migrating away from. On that note, not sure if you have any experience with using ngsetup.ini with the legacy client setup. I can install with the custom .ini, but the legacy client username and password fields are greyed out on first logon