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Setting up 2ND external IP address to forward to new webserver


Sonicwall TZ500 running

I have an existing webserver that requires Port 443 - up and running.

Im about to setup another webserver, Nable N-central -that also requires port 443 (Port forwarding will not work) see Comment from Nable support...

"NAT'd connections for accessing the N-central server externally will not be supported in 2021.1 HF5 and future versions. This was due to the redirect page at the root URL being served up by HAproxy as static page and all other contents points to port 443.

The alternative is to use a second address/public IP for your server. If your firewall supports it, you could also use header filtering by publisher to make this work. regards Nable support."

Any advice would be gratefully appreciated.


Category: Entry Level Firewalls

Best Answer


  • WaldonWaldon Newbie ✭


    So as I have port forwarding already setup (from 443 to 444) I just need to change the original destination?

    As currently it redirects to my Exchange Server which uses 443 when logging in via the internet - I need to keep port 444 as all the agents still successfully report back to my Nable server.

    So in above screen shot - instead of it will be the new IP address - then I can setup a DYNDNS account and use that to access externally.

    Ill give that a go - Ill have to wait until the second IP address it activated


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